Anna Russian
Solanum lycopersicum
Full Sun
70 Days to Harvest
14-16 oz fruit (Fist sized)
Plants 2’-3’ apart unstaked, 1’-2’ staked
Great oxheart type tomato with pointed heart shaped pink to red fruit that come in early with a rich juicy flavor and few seeds. Good production on plants with wispy foliage. Introduced in the US through the post office, mailed to a Russian immigrant, passed on to his granddaughter, and then introduced to the world through the Seed Savers Exchange.
Tomatoes grow best in rich fertile soil with regular water. Too much nitrogen will cause plants to put on lots of leaves but delay fruiting. Staking or caging allows closer spacing, helps keep fruit off the ground and away from a number of pests, and improves air flow, helping to keep disease pressure down. Pruning will also aid in air flow and help fruit ripen earlier.
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