Chocolate Mint
Mentha piperita
Perennial (Zone 4)
Full to Partial Sun
12”-24" Tall
Plant 8"-12” Apart
A strain of peppermint that tastes like a peppermint patty. Very aromatic and great in drinks, teas, and other culinary uses. Peppermint has a much higher concentration of menthol, giving it a more intense flavor than common mint or spearmint. The flowers attract pollinators. Mint is very easy to grow, but can spread aggressively through shallow underground runners, so growing in containers, using edging, or having a containment plan isn’t a bad idea. Pick mint regularly for better production by either harvesting individual leaves or cutting whole stems on established plants. Cut the plants back to the ground for the fall for healthier and more prolific plants the following year. Again, they really like to spread, so consider yourself warned.
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